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If your questions are not answered below, or if you prefer to call or email us, please contact us directly.

What is is a cutting-edge content aggregator built to connect brands and organisations across different sectors with a network of global journalists and media. Using insights from international journalists across print, broadcast and online, we created to make it simple, quick and effective for journalists to access copyright-free video, images, audio and any other brand content. Our platform helps brands promote their stories, both within and outside of their target industry.

What journalists and media have access to

We currently have 49,000+ journalists from 36,000+ media outlets registered on These journalists work across print, broadcast and online in a variety of sectors, including automotive, business and industry, sports, fashion, environment and energy, entertainment and many more.

What is the history of TheNewsMarket?

TheNewsMarket was founded during the 2000 Sydney Olympics to connect sports brands with the international media directly from the event. Two decades later, brands and companies of all sizes continue to rely on our unparalleled expertise and access to journalists and news organisations across the world.

What are the rights and restrictions for content on

We pride ourselves on the access we provide, so all the content on the is completely copyright-free for editorial broadcast, print, online and radio use. There are no usage restrictions on any of the branded content uploaded onto our platform.

Where can I find images or files in a different format or size to those available on

If you require images in a different format or size to that available on please get in touch with the relevant press contact with your request, quoting the Asset ID. You will need to have created an account to access contact information for press and PR contacts related to a story.

How do I view and download content on

We’ve made the site as intuitive as possible to download and view content. All stories are available to anyone to read and view directly on In order to download content, you will need to register and create an account. Setting up an account is completely free and is a simple, swift process.

All assets on are available to download with one click, you never have to leave the page when downloading an image. Once you’ve created an account and logged in you will be able to download any content you require. Simply hover your mouse over any story asset (images, soundbites, videos) and you will be given an option to view, download or add it to your cart. Click download and your file will begin downloading.

Where can I find broadcast-quality video?

Most video assets available on the site can be downloaded in broadcast quality. See the previous question for instructions on how to download an asset.

How much content is each user permitted to download?

There is no limit to how much content each user can download. All assets are completely rights-free unless clearly stated.

What is my media cart and how do I use it?

The media cart is a feature that allows you to save any number of assets for later viewing, sharing, or downloading.

Hover your mouse over your chosen asset and click on the option ‘add to media cart.’ This will add the chosen assets to your cart where they will stay until you choose to remove them. You can continue to browse the site knowing these assets are ready for you to download and use whenever you wish.

How do I download or share assets from my media cart?

To access your media cart, click on the ‘media cart’ option at the top right of your page. Here you can download items or groups of items with one click. If you haven’t already, you can add items from here to your media cart or edit your list of assets.

You also have the opportunity to send assets by email. Simply click the ‘send cart’ button at the bottom of the page and write in the email addresses of the recipients who you would like to receive the assets.

How do I subscribe to browser push notifications on

You can subscribe to receive browser push notifications to be alerted of new content published on

When you visit the site for the first time or in a new, clean browser session, you will be prompted to accept or decline browser push notifications. Once you have accepted to receive notifications from, these will pop-up on your desktop or mobile screen when new content is available. Please note that the notification alert will appear on your desktop even when are you not directly on the site.

Are the notifications GDPR compliant?

Browser push notifications are GDPR compliant, they do not need your email or other contact details. They can be enabled or disabled through your browser settings.

How do I unsubscribe from push notifications?

Browser notifications you receive from or any other website are managed through your browser. In order to unsubscribe from notifications, go to your browser settings and follow the instructions for how to unsubscribe from alerts. It’s a simple process and only takes a minute.

How do I subscribe to email alerts?

If you are registered on you can receive email alerts with the latest news related to a specific topic. This means you can stay up to date with any news related to the topic you are interested in.

During the registration process, you will be asked to fill in your ‘interests’ by ticking a box next to any number of different topics. Once you have selected the topics that interest you, alerts relevant to those topics will be sent to your registered email address.

How often can I receive alerts?

You can choose to receive alerts daily, weekly or monthly. You will be able to manage how frequently you receive these alerts when you sign up and fill in your information.

How do I unsubscribe from email alerts?

Subscribing to alerts is optional, and you won’t receive unsolicited emails or notifications.

In order to unsubscribe from all email alerts, scroll to the bottom of any email you have received from Here you can find an ‘unsubscribe’ option that will guide you through the process.

Why do I need to create an account with a login and password?

In order to download story assets or gain access to any contacts or experts for a story, you’ll need to create an account using a login and a password. Registration is completely free, only takes a minute and comes with many advantages. Not only can you download rights free assets (images, soundbites, videos, press releases and more) creating an account will grant you access contact information for any press and PR contact for a story.

How do I create an account on thenewsmarket?

In order to access thousands of rights-free videos, photos, soundbites and more completely free and with one click, you’ll need to create an account.

Creating an account is totally free and only takes a minute. We will ask you for the following information:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email address
  • Password (create your own)
  • Who are you (what type of professional you are)
  • Organisation (where you work)

What is the ‘interest’ section of the sign-up menu?

Here you can opt in to receive exclusive email content based on the interest selected (see the ‘email alerts’ section above). This sign-up is optional, and you won’t receive unsolicited emails or notifications if you do not tick this box.

How do I delete my account?

If at any point you would like to delete your account, email us at and we will arrange for your account to be terminated and your personal data removed from our system within thirty days of confirmation.

adding all to cart
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File added to media cart.