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Automobili Lamborghini signs draft agreement for renewal of Corporate Supplementary Contract

RELEASE DATE: 05 Dec 2023   |   Sant'Agata Bolognese

New features include work-life balance initiatives and a plan for 500 permanent new hires by 2026

Sant'Agata Bolognese, December 5, 2023 - Automobili Lamborghini and the Trade Union Representatives Organization, together with FIOM CGIL and FIM CISL (Italian metalworkers' unions), have reached a draft agreement for the renewal of the corporate supplementary contract for 2023-2026. The agreement confirms the highly participatory approach of the labor relations system and the company's role in its geographical context as a driver of not only economic development but also social development. The contract introduces new institutions, in line with the company's strategy and vision, aimed at creating added value for people.

The draft agreement introduces radical changes in the area of work-life balance, resulting in greater flexibility and restructuring of working hours. During the term of the contract, initially introduced on a trial basis, new labor models will be implemented without impacting starting pay. Specifically, in the production area, a shift pattern differentiated by business area will be introduced which, by restructuring working hours and alternating four-day and five-day weeks, will give staff one Friday off every two weeks (for two-shift departments) or two Fridays off every three weeks (for three-shift departments).

For non-production employees, the agreement will significantly improve the flexible working system through the allocation of 12 days of additional leave per year, in addition to the provision in company policies that allows up to a maximum of 12 days of remote working per month.

Umberto Tossini, Chief People, Culture & Organization Officer at Automobili Lamborghini, stated: “We have long followed a line of innovation to respond to company needs by creating added value. The motivation of all people in the organisation is the prime mover for its success because it calls together the best energies and skills of people around a common purpose. In this context the innovative shift system that we have developed guarantees to increase the capacity of our plants to meet demand from the growing number of customers we have worldwide. At the same time, these innovations meet people’s expectations with working hours that allow everyone to recover the physical and mental energies necessary for general well-being.”

The agreement also introduces the shared commitment of the Company and Trade Union Representatives to implement a plan to hire direct and indirect staff related to approved company projects, totaling 500 new employees (net of staff turnover) on permanent contracts by December 2026. This increase is even more significant considering the more than 1,000 permanent hires that the Sant’Agata Bolognese manufacturer has made over the past ten years.

Support for parents, diversity and inclusion remain unwavering issues in this agreement, as in the previous one. For parents, some of the new features introduced include: an allowance of 70% of pay for the first six months of optional maternity/paternity leave, further raised to 80% of pay if both parents make use of it; 100% of pay in the case of single parents or in the case of leave required for children with disabilities; eight hours of paid leave per child to help them settle into daycare/nursery school, increased to 16 hours for single parents or in the case of leave required for children with disabilities; ten days of paid leave for cases of adoption/foster care.

Within the same general vision of supporting individuals and their families, the agreement confirms the possibility of taking marriage leave during the calendar year of reference and a set number of hours of paid leave for health reasons of family members.

There is also significant focus on enhancing gender diversity, not only through dedicated welfare initiatives, but also through employment and development plans aimed at female workers. These latest proposals are part of a framework that aims to ensure the absence of a gender pay gap and accessibility to all roles of responsibility, including management positions. There is no shortage of initiatives for people with disabilities, including the “deaf culture awareness” course for the promotion of good communication practices, conducted in collaboration with Ente Nazionale Sordi (National Deaf Society), Bologna section.

Regarding pay, in order to increase the value of the overall package that already places Lamborghini's supplementary contract among the highest in terms of the differential with respect to national collective labor contract values, the agreement provides for a 50% increase in the company's current variable bonuses, in addition to the payment of an extraordinary bonus of €1,063 in December 2023 at the conclusion of the company's 60th anniversary celebrations.

The draft Supplementary Contract 2023-26, which will be submitted for consideration at employee meetings before it comes into effect, once again confirms the central role of dialog as the key to solving the complex problems facing businesses at this time of extraordinary digital and environmental transformation of all human activities.

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